We have designed a set of privacy principles, which govern how we use your personal information. The College Board gives students the opportunity to choose what personal information they provide to us and how we may share that information.
- The College Board collects personal information only to administer tests and deliver educational opportunities to students.
- The College Board gives students and families complete discretion as to how much additional information they disclose, beyond the minimum information needed to connect students with college success, or saving college lists.
- During the registration process, we ask students for: name, address, date of birth, gender, Social Security Number or student ID, and address. We may also ask for phone numbers and email addresses, school name, grade level or expected graduation date, ethnicity, and a parent’s name, email address, and education level.
- Sometimes, schools will provide us with student personal information to register the students for College Board tests. Schools may share student name, address, date of birth, and gender, and in certain circumstances information about students to help the College Board determine if they qualify for fee waivers. Students provide any remaining personal information themselves.
We ask students for personal information to help them make choices about their future.
- To help students receive the most relevant and accurate information about their college options and scholarship opportunities through Student Search Service®, we also ask optional questions about academic and extracurricular interests, career and field of study interests, family income, and religious preferences. Students must opt in to participate in this service; the College Board does not include students without their consent. Students may also opt out at any time.
- We always encourage parents and guardians to get involved in their child’s educational choices, so we offer a service, called “CC: a Parent,” which allows the parents or guardians to receive copies of emails that their child requests to receive. If students provide a parents name and email address, that parent will receive an email from the College Board asking if they want to receive copies of the emails that their students will receive.
We will not ask students to send credit card, bank, or password information over the phone or by email.
We do not send students text messages or emails or call them on the phone unless they specifically opt in to the communication.
- We only share student information for educational purposes.*
- We report scores to students and their schools, districts, and states to help measure educational progress and support a student’s path to college.
- If students request it, we use information to send customized college planning information.
- We use student information to provide SAT, AP, and college application fee waivers for income-eligible students.
- We share a limited amount of personal data with our partners — and only that data needed for the sole purpose of administering testing services, and producing and generating student score reports.
- On our website, we use student information to customize and personalize the content users see, such as important reminders about SAT test dates and college-planning milestones.
- We share de-identified student information with researchers to conduct statistical studies and analyses related to College Board programs and services that address critical issues in education and contribute to viable solutions.
- The College Board does not sell student information. Students can voluntarily opt in to our Student Search Service. Qualified colleges, universities, nonprofit scholarship services, and educational organizations pay a license fee to use this information to recruit students and manage enrollment in connection with educational or scholarship programs.
- If a student chooses to participate in our Student Search Service, the student agrees to share their name, address, and responses to the Student Data Questionnaire with colleges, universities, and scholarship programs. This information will be used for recruitment, scholarship opportunities, and college planning outreach.
- These organizations must sign a license agreement, which outlines the specific terms for which the student information can be used before it must be destroyed.
- Under no circumstances are these organizations allowed to give the student information to other organizations.
- The College Board consistently monitors the use of student information by licensed organizations for compliance.
- Students can opt out of Student Search Service at any time.